Universities Unite for Ukraine

Riga Business School's spirited team and Cornell's Ukrainian students lead events to support Ukraine's 103rd brigade. Our shared aim: €3,500 for essential medical supplies.

Academic Alliance For Aid
Universities Unite for Ukraine (photo)

About Project

Join the dedicated team of Arturs, Patriks, Davis, and George, all students from Riga Business School, as they embark on a mission to support the 103rd brigade.

Their goal is to raise 3,500 EUR through a series of engaging events and raffles held in the heart of Riga. This initiative goes beyond fundraising; it serves as a lifeline for the courageous medical professionals working tirelessly on the front lines in Ukraine.

Every euro collected will be carefully allocated to procure tactical medical supplies, ensuring both brave soldiers and innocent civilians receive the urgent care they need.

Furthermore, starting in early November, we will launch a similar initiative with Ukrainian students at Cornell University. These students will organize various events, including food markets and auctions to meet famous individuals, to raise funds for the needs of Ukrainians, including doctors, civilians, and brave soldiers.

To expand our impact, we warmly invite students from other universities to support this cause within their own institutions. If you are inspired to initiate a similar project and join us, please contact us at office@lotus-fund.org. Together, we can form a formidable alliance of aid and hope, extending our reach to ensure that no hero is left without assistance during these challenging times.